Planting a Seed... Building Character... Growing the roots that can rebuild a Nation

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving "Boggle"

Tonight for Family Home Evening we played “Thankful Boggle”.  We had a lot of fun and thought I’d pass along the idea if any of you want to try it for Thanksgiving.  Those who can write (adults) pair up with kids who give ideas.  For one minute (we did it for 5 and it was too long) write down everything that you can think of that you are thankful for.  At the end of the one minute go around the circle taking turns saying one thing on your list.  If anyone else has it then all cross it off (just like Boggle).  At the end of taking turns to see what is original, then have each person read their list that is unique to them.  It was interesting for me to see that my “originals” pertained to my role as a Mother, as well as did those for “Grandma”.  I think it can give you insights into the way you see the world and what your mission is.  I was also able to gain insights into seeing others true hearts.  It was a very sweet experience.  Hope it helps you!  God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!  Pennie

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I love to hear your ideas and thoughts. Thanks for sharing in the Joy of Learning. It truly fills my heart! -Pennie