Planting a Seed... Building Character... Growing the roots that can rebuild a Nation

Monday, November 21, 2011

Thanksgiving "Boggle"

Tonight for Family Home Evening we played “Thankful Boggle”.  We had a lot of fun and thought I’d pass along the idea if any of you want to try it for Thanksgiving.  Those who can write (adults) pair up with kids who give ideas.  For one minute (we did it for 5 and it was too long) write down everything that you can think of that you are thankful for.  At the end of the one minute go around the circle taking turns saying one thing on your list.  If anyone else has it then all cross it off (just like Boggle).  At the end of taking turns to see what is original, then have each person read their list that is unique to them.  It was interesting for me to see that my “originals” pertained to my role as a Mother, as well as did those for “Grandma”.  I think it can give you insights into the way you see the world and what your mission is.  I was also able to gain insights into seeing others true hearts.  It was a very sweet experience.  Hope it helps you!  God Bless and Happy Thanksgiving!  Pennie

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Opening the door of belief

Subject:   Opening the door of belief

Dear Friends,

Have you ever wanted to be a part of something great?

Have you ever seen potential in someone and thought that they could really do something for a great Cause?

I now find myself on such a threshold.  I have had a dream since I was a little girl to be a powerful public speaker.  It has been something that I have kept secret in my heart because I lacked belief that it was really possible.  I have suffered with doubt that has stopped me from moving forward until now.  I am looking for a way to open the door of belief that will be a blessing to all involved.  My concern is that my education does not become a burden on my marriage or my family.  My husband is doing great at covering the bills, but things like this seem to burden him just over the top and cause tension in our relationship.  I want to do what the Lord is asking me to do and I want this to be a self-sustaining process.  I will give 100% to God, following everything He asks me to do.  I fully expect that He will part the Red Sea and He will provide the way.

I was just listening to an amazing public speaker named Ty Bennett.  For 4 years now I have been looking for the Mentor that the Lord wants to employ to help lead me to find a way to live the dream He has planted in my heart.  Depending on the short-term turn of events, this could turn out to be the Mentoring situation I have been hoping for.  Ty Bennett is now offering a class that I want to take.  From the last public speaker, Leslie Householder,  I learned how to apply my faith in the realization of a worthy dream.  Because of Leslie, when I heard of this class instead of thinking “Oh I don’t have the money” I thought “Hum, that sounds like just what I need.  I wonder where I could get the money.?”.  So then I remembered a $50 check that was donated to me last month when I gave a seminar.  A friend felt power in my message and wanted to help make it happen, so to my complete surprise she gave me money to help with the Cause.  I haven’t needed it, so it has been sitting in my wallet.  I remembered it when this opportunity presented itself. 

Then I wondered, “Hum, where can I get the rest of the money?”.  Shortly afterward, I had this wild and crazy thought!  I wondered “Who else would like to help move this Cause forward and help me grow from my ‘diamond in the rough’?”  I wonder if there are others out there who would really like to help but I just haven’t given them the chance…

Since having this idea I have wondered why God would give me such an idea to get money from other people?”  One thought that has brought some clarity is that I struggle with so much self-doubt in wondering if others believe in me (a self-focused thought).  On one hand I am committed to do what God wants me to do regardless of what anyone else says.  On the other hand I realize that people have to believe in this Cause if I am going to find a way to make it reality.  Belief is something that is largely unseen and sometimes even unspoken.  I have thought that perhaps the fruits of this idea would help me gain belief in the reality of this Cause as I am able to see a physical manifestation of something that is otherwise unseen.  I also think I would feel more power if I deliver my message to those who believe, as an accountability measure.

So what credentials do I have that might give someone assurance or confidence who is considering giving to this Cause?  Only my word and my character.  I am familiar with being entrusted with other people’s money from my 5 years as an Account Manager in Accounts Receivable.  I know the value of keeping my word, and I do feel a sense of accountability to use the money to its maximum capacity.  I will be opening up a separate bank account, and would be happy to provide a budget (a hope of where I intend to spend the money) and the bank statements (to show where I actually do spend the money.)  I know I need much help in many ways to make this possible; all I want to do is open the door for those who want to help.

I know its God’s job to open the way and provide the means to make this possible, and it’s my job to have the vision.  So who am I to question His methods, just because of fear?  So as insane and crazy as this sounds to my logical mind right now, I’m opening the door for potential investors / philanthropists to look at this opportunity to create leaders of tomorrow.  It could even potentially turn into a scholarship program for upcoming leaders.  Who knows?!  I do know that the potential of a seed doesn’t ever really look like the end product of it’s fruit.

So what is this Cause I keep talking about?  For four years I have been on a quest.  First a quest to learn my mission in life (why I was born right now in history, and what God wants me to do about it.)  Secondly, my heart has been turned to the concerns of our American illness.  I am currently working on a letter to explain the solution I see to our problem. 

 I believe that we were each born to this time in history for a reason under God’s wisdom and planning.  It’s like an orchestra where He is directing the music for those who will look to Him.  Often times in my mission I have felt like I was only taking notes, while He was the one who had written the music.  We all have a part to play; every single one of us.  As we each step forward to play our part in the Orchestra of God, I believe He will lead us to find our song of synergy.  Synergy will be our Victory.  I have written more about this on my blog.  If you wish to read it go to

Mine is a message of self discovery and personal victory.  I have seen this pattern in the world and the music from the people all around me.  As I see it, the Cause of freedom will be won through a pattern of first Personal Victory, second Family Unity, and third Community Synergy.  I believe the struggles I have been in for so many years are the same ones that keep people from stepping forward to live their own mission.  If we each live our mission then we will be happy individually and collectively, living God’s will for our lives.  The years of struggle and pain have given me a deep love and compassion for others who can’t seem to get off the bottom of the barrel.  I hope to inspire others to learn their missions and find a way to move forward in their lives.  I hope to inspire families to join as Family Teams.  And I hope to inspire Americans to return to their roots and look to God.  That pathway forward is our united path to synergy, and therefore victory.  It is God who writes the music if we will just look to Him to learn how to play our song.

So here’s the info:

Here’s the message I am currently working on for American freedom:

Here’s the class I currently want to take.  Cost is $200

I am going to a Kirk Duncan seminar in February and still need to earn gas money.

Here is a clip from my very first seminar I have on 10-22-11: Personal Victory

… In process.  When I figure out how to do this, I’ll update this letter with the new info.

It is not my intent to focus on money or push people to ask for donations.  I really don’t care about the money except for the means of freedom from what we can do with it.  If you feel like you are part of that answer, please email me at

God Bless You.        

 In God We Trust!

Your Servant and Friend,

Food ReLOVEution

ROUGH DRAFT               11-16-11

I am currently working on how to communicate this message.

If you have any ideas to help, please share!

In Subject:

Non-violent active resistance for ReLOVEution with Bite!

I am sending this to you because either you have been a part of its creation (in inspiring the idea), or I feel you can do something with it.  Please at least take a few minutes to read this potentially life changing message.  If you feel it has merit, then plant it as a  seed for American freedom and make it grow.

Hi.  My name is Pennie Rumsey.  I am an average American wife, and a Mother of 4 children.  Like a growing number of American’s, I have been concerned for a few years about our current political situation.  Personally, I have wanted to do something but felt powerless to be able to make a difference.  I have struggled with much self-doubt and lack of belief.  Because I love to learn, I found a book called Inteligro Math and consequently I have learned to love to problem solve.  Now on my quest, for the past four years I have been actively pursuing answers for the American challenges we are all facing right now.

As I study on current world conditions I see that the tension is tight and conflict is growing greater and greater.

  • Current conflict in the Middle East escalating.  Is it the beginning of Armageddon?
  • The Obama administration seems to be bent on trying to eradicate the Constitution.  They appear to be looking for an excuse to put us by invented crisis into a Military State to suspend our Constitutional rights altogether.  Who knows when they could be reinstated?  Are we about to loose our Constitutional rights?  What would that look like?
  • Riots seem to be breaking out all over in the United States as well as world wide, including Greece. Are we on the verge of a Revolution?
  • An increasing amount of Americans are growing in discontent and protesting: Places like “Occupy Wall Street” are trying to flex their citizen muscles in efforts to make a difference.  “We want our freedom back!” What can we really do that will make a difference?  Are we really to the point that our freedom can only be won back by bloodshed?  If not, some peaceful means must be the answer.  As Americans who really care, what can we do?  As a Mother of 4 young children needing to put my family first, what can I do?

What do we have to look forward to in life if we continue on the same course?  What can I do to change our course? 

As a young family growing up in America, I think our family is trying like everyone else to live the American Dream.  I have had a love for gardening since I was a child (although I think it was more of a love-hate relationship then).  To this day I still have a dream to have my own farm and have a self-sustaining life while growing in character and teaching my children to love God.  Growing my own garden is the root foundation of who I am and has taught me how to think and see Natural Law.  This is how I want to live for “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.  I have recently become aware that all that I hope for in the future to live as a self-sustaining American is now being threatened.  I do see hope in the wave of young people in the upcoming generation who are seeking out these same roots.  I believe we are witnessing a historical movement toward farming and gardening.

Still I wonder, “Do those who are creating this movement even realize the significance of their cause, or the full potential it has for the deep impact in American Freedom?”

With my heart and mind focused on trying to find an answer to our escalating American predicament, recently I have read “The Bridge at Andau” by James Mitchener (about the Hungarian Revolution in 1954), watched a 1 hour Ron Paul movie, watched Gandhi, studied John McNaughton’s painting of the Chains of Slavery (my name for it), and had a close encounter in real life with a friend’s farm being raided by the Clark County Health District.

The solution began to dawn on me when I heard Dr Shanon Brooks, President of Monticello College, who wrote an article on the raid.  In a ‘comment’ on this article Dr Brooks said The answer is local!  What ever we DO has the best impact when done on a local level.

I heard more of the solution in the Ron Paul movie when Michael Nystrom of said, “We want an America with principled [centered] people… who say what they mean and mean what they say, and they live their lives by those principles.” (Ron Paul movie, minute 54)

I see the solution in many individuals who are stepping up to the plate; who are following their inner voice. I admire the efforts of so many who are willing to loose sleep, sacrifice money, and put their heart into making a difference for our freedom.  I am so excited that America is waking up to rediscover the Roots of her history and realize our current situation. I love that there are so many willing to do what their heart guides them to do.  I think it’s great that we are building so much energy.  Yet, I think people are still looking for a way to channel that energy in a positive way that will actually make a difference.  We want freedom, not hype.

The full impact of the solution I saw became very evident to me when I saw the movie Gandhi.  In the movie, Gandhi said “The purpose of non-violent resistance is to provoke a response.  We will continue to resist until we provoke a response or until the law is changed.  They do not have the power, we do.” (need to verify exact quote)  Through Gandhi, I have come to realize that non-violent resistance will allow us to take back the ‘power of the people’ from those who are not willing to give what they have usurped. 

My course of needed action crystallized in my mind when I was slapped in the face by a recent experience of a friend.  CSA owners Laura and Monte Bledsoe of Quail Hallow Farms were recently raided by the Clark County Health District.  As I see it they did all they were asked to in order to comply with every demand, but in the end because of heavy-handed egotism they were not allowed to eat the food carefully prepared for the dinner they had spent over 100 hours planning.  It breaks my heart to see good people bullied by a government with too much authority, who were only put at bay when employing some legally binding Constitutional questions of “Do you have a search warrant?”  “Do you have a warrant of arrest?”  After which the Bledsoe’s had complete jurisdiction to ask the Clark County Health Department representative to leave their private property.  In my opinion, the Clark County Health Department did not necessarily have the authority to do what they did, but they took all the power they were given until the wrongs were no longer sufferable.  I have realized that it is SO important that we come to know our rights, the laws, and step up to live what we believe.  Laura hit the nail on the head when she said, “Your dollar has more clout with congress than your vote does.”  Joel Salatin wrote about this in a book called “Holy Cows, and Hog Heaven”.  What We the People do with our money is what decides billionaires and directly gives control to those in power because of where we choose to spend our money.  We ARE the ones who have the power, if united we stand.

What I have slowly come to realize through all this is that if I want the world to change, then I must be the change I wish to see in the world.  I must be willing to step up to the plate, change myself, and invite others to follow.  I must learn what I need to do, live what I believe, and share it with others.  In this pattern, even an average American mom of 4 young children can change the world.  I have believed for a long time that the solution to our American crisis lies not in the institutions of government and congress, but in the intuitions of the home.  There can be no amount of forced legislation that will rebuild character into the American heart.  That can only be done in the home.

So what does gardening, character, and spending money have to do with American freedom?  What is the solution that has distilled on me after 4 years of painful searching?  Consider these paramount quotes.

“To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”

“Nations rise and fall on the fertility of their soil.”
-Joel Salatin

“The ancient Greeks believed that the real harvest of the soil is a special kind of person, a farmer, a husbandman, who has developed in his soul a set of principles rooted deep in the Law of the Harvest that keep him on the road to prosperity and happiness.  A society that has compromised this harvest from its citizenry is a society that will soon loose its culture.”
-William DeMille

I humbly offer the solution that our American character can be re instilled as we return to grow our own food.  This is a perfect non-violent solution that will have great impact.  If we decide to eat only food grown locally the ripple effect would be tremendous.  These are the potential effects I see:

  1. From the Political perspective, if we take the money out of the pocket of big food companies that are the very ones who are trying to control the politicians with voting incentive bribes.  As we demand good quality food, and buy from farmers of character we will show congress that they do not have the power, we do.  When we stop spending money for food that we can grow locally, we will send a message to commercial grower, huge companies, and show congress that WE are the ones with the power, because we choose to grow our own food and we choose what we eat.  They are trying to make us reliant on government and then use the food source as a force tactic against us.  If we, as Americans, step up to the plate en mass and show them we are self-reliant, they will be brought to their knees to see that we are united and we are powerful.  As we grow our own food we will show them we are self-reliant and that they do not have power and control over us.  If we continue to actively ‘protest’ with our buying dollar until the laws are changed, we will be victorious.  If we kindly insist with fortitude in our hearts we will win.
  2. From a Spiritual perspective, this movement has the power to reestablish Character in the hearts of those who are willing to learn.  If we take an average person and put him in the environment of Occupy Wall Street, for example, then it is like putting him in a raft going down river rapids aimed at a waterfall.  The natural man is inclined to contention when put in a contentious environment.  If, on the other hand, we take that same man and put him on a farm it is like putting him in a slow flowing river where he must swim upstream to reach the tree with the fruit that will nourish his soul.  The only difference is the environment.  In a man-made environment of fast cars and fast food a man is much more easily pushed around by the whims of the crowd.  In a natural environment, if the man is willing to work and learn, then he will grow.  There is something naturally humbling about working in the garden with your hands in the soil while on your knees.  The internal effect of a man’s character while he gardens is tremendous. In the process we will learn principles from the Laws of Nature that is the very reason we have gotten into this predicament in the first place. As we grow our own food, we will become changed in our hearts and come to replenish the soil so than we have a legacy that is worth giving to the generations that will follow.  As we return to the soil we will come to remember who we are and come to remember God.
  3. From an economic and financial perspective looking to emergency preparedness, growing our own food is the perfect hedge against threatening disaster.  We are told our dollar is perhaps about ready to collapse.  This could put our economy into hyper-inflation which will make food and the basic necessities unaffordable for most of us.  Rioting in this condition seems inevitable because of fear and lack of character.  If we are in the field tending to the business of something we can do something about, then we will not be involved in the opposite spectrum of vandalism and potential murder.
  4. Finally, from the perspective of freedom I see that this is a short term solution, and a long-term solution.  It will show congress we are serious about our freedom because we are willing to change.  It will take money away from those causing the problem and put it into the hands of those initiating the solution.  It will show our children and the rising generation the way to heal our nation.  It will put food on the table, teach us the power of work while building our character, and retrain our thinking into paradigms of truth.

So what will it take to change our lives to make this happen?  What price must I pay?  More importantly, is it worth it?  What price would be too high to be able to pursue life and happiness in the way we choose?  If I don’t change, what will I have to look forward to?

Having just realized this decision for myself, I realize I have a lot of changes to make.  I know that if I want to have a life-changing experience, than I must change my life.  I am willing to do whatever it takes.  No sacrifice would be too great for the price of freedom, especially if there is a way we can do this peacefully. 

I realize this is a big decision, and will take a lot of ‘heart’ to implement.  Each person much choose for themselves to learn what they need to do, live what they believe, and with conviction commit that each will do what ever it takes to make it happen.  I realize to find the conviction to make a decision like this will not likely come all at once.

If you are willing to learn, but not yet ready to act, I invite you to learn with me.  I will be hosing a discussion on some educational resources to learn more about this.  No matter your commitment level, there is something EVERYONE can do in the cause of freedom.  No matter your belief level now, it can grow. Even if you are already committed to the cause, in studying and discussing these common resources, we will be able to establish a common language where we can relate to each other on common ground, and invite others to learn with us.  Please honestly examine our current American situation, examine your life’s choices, and choose freedom over slavery.

The first subject we will learn from is a movie called FOOD, INC.  I found it at my local library.  I will watch this and begin a discussion on my blog at 

Now is the time.  This is the place.  There has never been a better time than here and now to take a stand.  This is more than words, more than banner signs, and even more than a vote.  This is action, and actions speak louder than words.  If we are going to change anything, we have to start doing something.

Please join me in the


Find a way to make it happen.  Be an American.  Figure it out.  You CAN do it.  It’s not too late.  We can still change the tide.  Let’s get to work.

I know there are many out there today who have realized this long before I have, and who are doing much to change the world by changing the way they eat.  By their pioneering efforts, they have paved the way for a nation to follow.  There are sources to help.  (see end of thisletter)

So if you want to be an American, increase your freedom self-sustaining power of the people, EAT LOCALLY GROWN FOOD.  How do we do that?

1-     Grow your own food for yourself and family

2-    Grow food for others in your community to start a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) make it your living passion

3-    Buy food from someone else’s CSA

We are Americans.  Figuring out solution is in our blood.  We are hard working, self-sacrificing, God loving people.  If there was a time when we forgot that, it’s time to remember.

After talking to a friend yesterday, today I have come to realize this solution is not a cure all.  In fact, it presents more challenges; but they’re good challenges.  In order to figure out how we can exclusively eat locally grown food, I see that we will need to work together as a community toward this common goal.  It is the perfect challenge that I believe will produce the results I have been praying for. 

If we are committed to our freedom, and see eating locally as a viable solution, then I believe we CAN overcome whatever temporary circumstances we must so that we can win our freedom back. (because you know they’re not going to give it to us.)

I am One Voice,

          One Mother,

                   One American who believe that I can make a difference.

I am not the first to rise nor will I be the last.  There are many in this climatic time in history who are following their inner voice to play their part.  It is my vision that we will come to work together in a galvanistic leadership style.  Look up the word with the link.  It is absolutely incredible!  The electricity of synergy is our victory.

For the Cause of Liberty

To the Victory of our Children’s Children,

For the Glory of God !

In God We Trust,

Pennie Rumsey

Sources to help:

how to plan your space, plants, and project sustainable income

Directory of CSA’s all across the country
Plus he as CSAWare that will run the office with minimal effort.  It looks very awesome and like a beautiful win-win relationship.

supporting and educating on individual rights and freedoms, especially for Sheriff’s

A CA group Help build the movement for a sustainable food system

Got an idea to help improve this letter?  Please share with us on the blog or on Facebook

Other notes and ideas:

Ideas for Ad slogans:

Are you eating to your children’s freedom or their slavery?  Eat locally grown food.

EAT YOUR WAY TO FREEDOM! Eat locally Grown food!

What exactly does “locally grown” food mean?  Read “Holy Cows and Hog Heaven” by Joel Salatin.  I go by his definition. 

 Are you a true American?  Put your money where your mouth is!  Eat locally Grown food!

Ways to help:

Learn, Do, and Share.

This is not about making a sign, or donating an hour of service.  This goes all the way down to the roots of who we are.  WE must be willing to change, at the very core, all the way down to the roots.  We have to be willing to make changes in our lifestyle and our food choices. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Indenity Statement

11-15-11.1          Identity Statement

As part of my mission search, I have worked for many years on answering the questions, “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?”, and “Where am I going?”  I just realized the other day that all these years I have been creating mission and vision statements I was answering these very questions.  Mission answers “Why am I here?”.  Vision answers “Where am I going?”.  Then I realized I have no declaration or statement of belief to remind myself the answer the question “Who am I?”.

While I’ve been on bed-rest I’ve had some great time to think, study, and learn.  The other day Teren (5) got a book off the shelf and wanted me to read to her.  She chose “The Greatest Miracle in the World” by Og Mandino.  For the next few days, she would get the book and I’d read a little to her until she got restless.  I’d ask her if she wanted me to stop or if she was going to listen.  Sometimes she said keep going, sometimes she said it was time to stop.  I kept reading even when she wasn’t there because the story captured me.  By the time I got to the end on 11-11-11 I knew it was time that I find a habit that I needed to commit to so that I could improve my character.  After finishing this story and reading “God’s Memorandum”, I was inspired to write my own Identity Statement.  Now I finally have a declaration statement to answer “Who am I?”

I think the things in life that we forget the most easily are those things which are the most important to remember.  In other words, it’s easiest to forget that which is most important.  I need the declaration statements to remind myself of these most precious pinnacle truths in my life, so that I will remember and do that which is most important.  I committed on 11-11-11 that I would read more often these declaration statements. 

I believe these three questions are the three main roots on the Tree of Character.  As we answer these questions, and continue to refine them, then we sink our roots deep into the fountain of truth.  Having the truth ‘girt about our loins’ there is nothing that can push us over; no wind that can uproot our life.  It is an amazing feeling knowing I am finally growing roots strong enough to withstand all the fiery darts of the adversary.  I memorized this scripture a couple weeks ago and made a new friend.  (according to Elder Scott this last conference.)  I had to review to get it right...

·         Helaman 5:12

12 And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the arock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your bfoundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty cstorm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hope of the Harvest

Hope of the Harvest                                                                        by Pennie Rumsey
published Oct 2011, Moapa Valley Progress

I still remember the first time I planted a seed in my first garden as an adult.  I remember looking at the seed wondering, “Will this really grow?”  It appeared to be dead; without life, and yet it was only sleeping dormant.  I wasn’t sure it would grow and I planted it, hoping that it might.  It was a wonder for me to watch that seed burst forth into life.  Nature truly has its own magic. 

In today’s fast paced techno-world of IM (instant messaging), fast food, and super highways, we have come to believe that anything we have to wait for is not worth waiting for at all.  Our faith has been eroded by such man-made systems of instant gratification.  When it comes to working in the garden for three months to grow carrots or tomatoes we think it not worth our time because we can go to the store and buy them in an instant (relatively speaking).  There is much more to be gained from growing a garden than the food we eat or the nutrition we absorb.  The most valuable things my garden has taught me are the things I cannot see or touch; the unseen lessons of truth.  The lessons of the garden offer us the fertile soil that can heal our souls, our families and our nation.  Working in natural systems offers us a new way of thinking as we observe Nature in her natural form.  As we see the slow growth, for example, of a plant we come to understand that the natural growth of life is slow and sustainable, a little bit at a time, one day at a time.  Life is meant to be lived one breath at a time, one day at a time, and even one moment at a time.  This requires a conscious decision to slow down and observe. 

There is much that the classroom of the garden can teach us, and has taught our fore-fathers before us. Thomas Jefferson carried his commonplace book with him wherever he went, observing Nature and the lessons they spoke to him.  The Natural Laws of the garden are universally applicable regardless of the year or the location.  Gandhi said, “To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.”  Joel Salatin, a modern day pioneer, said “Nations rise and fall on the fertility of their soil.”  And William DeMille referred to the unseen hope of the harvest when he said, “The ancient Greeks believed that the real harvest of the soil is a special kind of person, a farmer, a husbandman, who has developed in his soul a set of principles rooted deep in the Law of the Harvest that keep him on the road to prosperity and happiness.  A society that has compromised this harvest from its citizenry is a society that will soon loose its culture.”

In some ways, I believe the American people can be compared to the state of a seed.  They lie sleeping dormant, unaware of the power and potential that they hold individually as well as collectively.  As we look to the hope of the harvest, envisioning the type of kind of man or woman we want to become, or even the kind of nation we want our grandchildren to inherit, let us look to the garden to observe the Laws of Nature. 

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Seed of American Synergy is You

The Seed of American Synergy is You

I think I have always wanted to be a very smart person in the way that I see myself or the way others see me.  The truth is that I understand things on a very simple level.  Sometimes I see great depth in simplicity.  I truly believe that wisdom is something we can only see at times and not necessarily something that we own. 

I once read a book by Robert Kiyosaki where he was describing content and context.  He said that content can be compared to what is inside a glass, like water for example.  If we talked about water you might wonder, ‘Do you mean sea water or drinking water or like a swimming pool? What kind of water are they talking about?’  Then he said that context could be compared to the glass itself.  Context helps us see the big picture behind the little piece of the puzzle so we know what they are talking about.  I had always wanted a way to describe this idea, but I hadn’t found the vocabulary for it until then.  It has stuck in my mind ever since. 

In order that we might come to relate to one another through a common language, I turn our attention to an amazing little book called Inteligro Math.  The mental media of our lives that we read feel and watch establishes a common language and a medium through which we can come to relate to each other.  This book helps us understand the context of learning truth from life and through life.

If we desire to rise to a new level of thinking by learning more information, where in the world do we begin?  How do we sort through the mountains and mountains of information we come across or have access to on any given day?  There is so much information in the world today that it seems what we need is not more information but a way to understand what we have.  I like to think of learning what is important like looking for the unseen roots of life, or truth if you will.  There is information that is like the branches of a tree where sometimes we see buds, sometimes we see leaves, and sometimes we see bare branches.  It is constantly changing.  Other things we come across seem to be more like the trunk of the tree and give us the stable concrete truths we can rely on that help guide our lives; things that build our character that shape our very core.  Going to the deepest level of information, we find the roots of unseen truth.  These things are not visible without putting in a great amount of effort.  They are precious and hard to come by.  As we continue to seek, we come to know things like who we are and what we have been born to do.  When we learn these truths, they sink our very soul deep into the bedrock of truth and we gain the stability we need so that no wind that comes along, no matter how it rages, can sway us from our purpose. 

Context to me is vision.  I have a dream that one day the American people can work together in synergy.  I remember the first time I learned about synergy.  I was going to school at BYU working in the Student Leadership center under a teacher by the first name of Brent.  He facilitated a lot of Steven Covey leadership seminars and I was privileged to learn from him as his employee while he taught other students.  As he talked about mission and vision and especially synergy, something began to stir in my soul.  I love the idea of synergy.  The more I learn about it, the more I love it.  For some reason even way back then I could grasp the concept behind it.  Covey defines synergy by saying ‘the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts’.  It seemed my soul understood the idea behind this concept.  It brought to mind a childhood church lesson about two oxen.  I think they were relating it to marriage at the time.  They said that one Ox might be able to pull a load equally proportionate to his weight.  But when you pair one Ox with one more, then the two of them would be able to pull 10 times their weight.  The mathematical equation would be 1 + 1 = 10, or 10 + 10 = 100.  The math of course does not add up, and that is the point of synergy.  The sum of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts- Like Jafar in the movie “Aladdin” when in disguise he tells Aladdin, “But together we could be more!”  Synergy is something that breaths in my soul.  It motivates me and calls to me.  Striving for it is part of my life’s quest, and reaching it will be our victory.

I invite you to explore this book with me: Inteligro Math.  Then together we could be more.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

11-5-11 Zedekiah

11-5-11                     Zedekiah

I have been overwhelmed at the out-pouring of love and the tender mercies of the Lord. 

I was thirteen weeks along yesterday.  Zedikiah passed from my womb on November 4th, 2011 about 3:15pm. 

I started bleeding Wednesday morning about 10am.  I called Jill (my Midwife) at noon not knowing what was wrong.  I got a priesthood blessing from President Batchelor and Terry Bowler shortly after 12.  Then Irene brought me herbs that I began taking at 1pm.  I had hoped I was preventing a miscarriage.  The blessing and the Spirit confirmed within me peace.  I knew the blessing would be true that my body would be healed and that all would be well.  What that picture looked like in between now and the end was uncertain.  Other friends also had a feeling of peace and we had great hope that the baby would be ok.  The bleeding was slowing down by the afternoon when Jill came to listen for a heartbeat.  We could not hear anything, but thought perhaps it was too soon in the gestation for detection.  She put me on bed rest getting up only to go to the bathroom, which I followed.  I went to bed that night and slept for 12 hours.

I am amazed at the tapestry that the Lord weaves through my life.  Without my planning or knowledge of what was happening to my body, the Lord orchestrated the circumstances beautifully so that all has turned out to be well.  I woke up the next day and spent the day in bed.  My Mom got here to look after me and the children at 9am.  The bleeding was very minimal until 3:15 pm when I had a gusher.  We later discovered what we think is the baby on the pad, though I did not know for certain then that I was even having a miscarriage.  The uncertainty was tormenting me as I lay on my bed and offered up my whole soul to God trying to listen and understand.  I saw an image in my mind of me being able to raise and hold my baby of about three years old in the millennium.  I started to cry uncontrollably and felt strongly I needed Joshua.  I called him and he ran home from work within three minutes.  The evidence came when I had another gusher at 4:15.  I knew for sure it was a miscarriage after Jill got here about 5:20.  My blood pressure is normally low, but when she saw it at 70 / 51?  she instructed Joshua to call the paramedics to account for the time delay in case I was really hemorrhaging.  We then got to work.  By the time they got there at took my blood pressure, we had it back up to 90/?61.  The day before it was 94 over? 65 which is my norm.  Feeling we were out of the danger zone, I chose to stay home.  We continued to work and to monitor.   Irene was also there who had a miscarriage a year ago, along with my Mother who had a miscarriage shortly after I was born.  The miscarriage proceeded normally and I had been stable for a few hours by the time Jill left for the night. 

The tormenting thoughts after the miscarriage assailed me: did I do something wrong?  Was I not ready yet?  Was I not obedient enough?  What could I have done more?  I am all too aware of my imperfections, but the tender mercy of the Lord came to me in my hour of need and said this was not something I neither caused nor deserved;  It is simply part of my path and I am in the Hand of the Lord.  This was just one of those things in life that comes ‘through no fault of their own’. 

Despite the moments of uncertainty, I have felt constantly enveloped in peace.  My condition is stable and all is going normally.

God bless you all for all your prayers and your love.  Thank you for your compassion and tears.  I have truly come to see that I am loved more than I ever thought before.  Thank you for the immediate response from friends, family, and medical care alike.  I am overwhelmed by your love and appreciate eternally the tender mercies of the Lord.