We are putting a JOY SCHOOL group together for next year 2011-2012. We have a few openings in our group. If we get more people than we can have in our group, we would be happy to coordinate connections for other groups getting together. Joy School is traditionally a pre-school aged group. I use it in my home-school program for learning in core phase (See “Thomas Jefferson Education”). If you don’t yet know about JOY SCHOOL , take the time to learn about it out at http://www.valuesparenting.com/joyschool/. I think you will be very glad you did.
Why I think Joy School is essential for my life:
I was over 30 years old, married for several years, and in the middle of raising three children when I realized that I found no Joy in my life. I was focused on the negative, critical, and addicted to the Urgency of life. I grew up in a small town, went to public school, and followed the path that life expected from me. Through the twists and turns of living and learning I found myself in what seemed to me a strange place. I had everything I needed yet life held no Joy for me. I had beautiful children whose giggle I only seldom smiled at. There was something always more important that needed to be done, or something else on my mind. I was never at rest, or at peace with myself. I was certainly missing something very important.
I was introduced to JOY SCHOOL through a couple different directions in my life. I see now that God was trying to help me find joy in my life. It was fortunate for me that I had preschool aged children to share Joy School with. Regardless, I knew I needed it for me, not just for them. I know they can be no better than the example I set for them. I want my children to be happy, to find joy in life, and to like who they are. As I have learned from the Joy School principles this last year, I have found in part some of these answers my heart was searching for. I have learned to find joy in the world around me, appreciation for the people in my life, and learned to find peace by slowing down. I can actually play with my children (sometimes) without feeling like I need to be somewhere else. I can even occasionally go a day without my computer or planner. I know I still have much to learn, but I also know there is much I have gained so far.
Thank you, Richard & Linda Eyre, for living your mission and creating Joy School . You are a living example of living great.
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I love to hear your ideas and thoughts. Thanks for sharing in the Joy of Learning. It truly fills my heart! -Pennie