Planting a Seed... Building Character... Growing the roots that can rebuild a Nation

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rumsey 2011 Newsletter

Dear Friends,                                                                                                                                December 2011

We wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas and celebrate with you this precious time of rejoicing in the birth of Christ.  We hope this letter finds you healthy and happy.

We have had a beautiful year of living and learning—not because we are without trials, but because the Lord is lifting us IN them.  Joshua is now our Ward Mission Leader and we are learning more everyday as we get to share the gospel with others in our area.  We are working hard to raise our children in light and truth and are ever grateful for the grace of the Atonement that is able to make up for all that we lack. 

Allie (7) is growing into a beautiful girl.  She is developing her drawing skills and enjoys being a kid.

Teren (5) loves being ‘big’ like her sister.  She loves to take charge and is learning to do it in a good way. 

Saria (3.5) is a giggly little girl who loves to laugh and chase Allie around the house.

Spencer (22 mo’s) loves to play outside and go for rides with Dad.  (I won’t mention the princess dresses and how he loves to try on shoes.  I guess it can’t be helped with 3 older sisters.)

I (Pennie)  have been learning so much this last year from people like Kirk Duncan, Leslie Householder, and Ty Bennett.  I have feel a serge of personal victory and look forward to the journey ahead.  By the way, I wanted to share this free gift with you if you are interested.  I am taking a class from Ty Bennett right now on the power of Story Telling and he sent me this for Christmas.  It is an audio called “The Power of Belief”.  It is the closest thing I have seen in our time to “As a Man Thinketh” if you’re familiar with James Allen.  I love it and am learning so much.  If you do check it out, I’d love for you to share what you learn with me and share the journey with you!  Here’s the link:  (He does have you put in your email but you can cancel anything afterward you don’t want.  He is honorable and will not sell your info.)

If there is ever anything we can do to help you to, please let us know.  We’d love to hear from you and share the journey with you.

Merry Christmas !  We love you.  Love, The Rumsey’s

Josh & Pennie May 2011                                                                    Spencer, Saria, Grandma Carol, Teren & Allie

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I love to hear your ideas and thoughts. Thanks for sharing in the Joy of Learning. It truly fills my heart! -Pennie