Planting a Seed... Building Character... Growing the roots that can rebuild a Nation

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Opening the door of belief

Subject:   Opening the door of belief

Dear Friends,

Have you ever wanted to be a part of something great?

Have you ever seen potential in someone and thought that they could really do something for a great Cause?

I now find myself on such a threshold.  I have had a dream since I was a little girl to be a powerful public speaker.  It has been something that I have kept secret in my heart because I lacked belief that it was really possible.  I have suffered with doubt that has stopped me from moving forward until now.  I am looking for a way to open the door of belief that will be a blessing to all involved.  My concern is that my education does not become a burden on my marriage or my family.  My husband is doing great at covering the bills, but things like this seem to burden him just over the top and cause tension in our relationship.  I want to do what the Lord is asking me to do and I want this to be a self-sustaining process.  I will give 100% to God, following everything He asks me to do.  I fully expect that He will part the Red Sea and He will provide the way.

I was just listening to an amazing public speaker named Ty Bennett.  For 4 years now I have been looking for the Mentor that the Lord wants to employ to help lead me to find a way to live the dream He has planted in my heart.  Depending on the short-term turn of events, this could turn out to be the Mentoring situation I have been hoping for.  Ty Bennett is now offering a class that I want to take.  From the last public speaker, Leslie Householder,  I learned how to apply my faith in the realization of a worthy dream.  Because of Leslie, when I heard of this class instead of thinking “Oh I don’t have the money” I thought “Hum, that sounds like just what I need.  I wonder where I could get the money.?”.  So then I remembered a $50 check that was donated to me last month when I gave a seminar.  A friend felt power in my message and wanted to help make it happen, so to my complete surprise she gave me money to help with the Cause.  I haven’t needed it, so it has been sitting in my wallet.  I remembered it when this opportunity presented itself. 

Then I wondered, “Hum, where can I get the rest of the money?”.  Shortly afterward, I had this wild and crazy thought!  I wondered “Who else would like to help move this Cause forward and help me grow from my ‘diamond in the rough’?”  I wonder if there are others out there who would really like to help but I just haven’t given them the chance…

Since having this idea I have wondered why God would give me such an idea to get money from other people?”  One thought that has brought some clarity is that I struggle with so much self-doubt in wondering if others believe in me (a self-focused thought).  On one hand I am committed to do what God wants me to do regardless of what anyone else says.  On the other hand I realize that people have to believe in this Cause if I am going to find a way to make it reality.  Belief is something that is largely unseen and sometimes even unspoken.  I have thought that perhaps the fruits of this idea would help me gain belief in the reality of this Cause as I am able to see a physical manifestation of something that is otherwise unseen.  I also think I would feel more power if I deliver my message to those who believe, as an accountability measure.

So what credentials do I have that might give someone assurance or confidence who is considering giving to this Cause?  Only my word and my character.  I am familiar with being entrusted with other people’s money from my 5 years as an Account Manager in Accounts Receivable.  I know the value of keeping my word, and I do feel a sense of accountability to use the money to its maximum capacity.  I will be opening up a separate bank account, and would be happy to provide a budget (a hope of where I intend to spend the money) and the bank statements (to show where I actually do spend the money.)  I know I need much help in many ways to make this possible; all I want to do is open the door for those who want to help.

I know its God’s job to open the way and provide the means to make this possible, and it’s my job to have the vision.  So who am I to question His methods, just because of fear?  So as insane and crazy as this sounds to my logical mind right now, I’m opening the door for potential investors / philanthropists to look at this opportunity to create leaders of tomorrow.  It could even potentially turn into a scholarship program for upcoming leaders.  Who knows?!  I do know that the potential of a seed doesn’t ever really look like the end product of it’s fruit.

So what is this Cause I keep talking about?  For four years I have been on a quest.  First a quest to learn my mission in life (why I was born right now in history, and what God wants me to do about it.)  Secondly, my heart has been turned to the concerns of our American illness.  I am currently working on a letter to explain the solution I see to our problem. 

 I believe that we were each born to this time in history for a reason under God’s wisdom and planning.  It’s like an orchestra where He is directing the music for those who will look to Him.  Often times in my mission I have felt like I was only taking notes, while He was the one who had written the music.  We all have a part to play; every single one of us.  As we each step forward to play our part in the Orchestra of God, I believe He will lead us to find our song of synergy.  Synergy will be our Victory.  I have written more about this on my blog.  If you wish to read it go to

Mine is a message of self discovery and personal victory.  I have seen this pattern in the world and the music from the people all around me.  As I see it, the Cause of freedom will be won through a pattern of first Personal Victory, second Family Unity, and third Community Synergy.  I believe the struggles I have been in for so many years are the same ones that keep people from stepping forward to live their own mission.  If we each live our mission then we will be happy individually and collectively, living God’s will for our lives.  The years of struggle and pain have given me a deep love and compassion for others who can’t seem to get off the bottom of the barrel.  I hope to inspire others to learn their missions and find a way to move forward in their lives.  I hope to inspire families to join as Family Teams.  And I hope to inspire Americans to return to their roots and look to God.  That pathway forward is our united path to synergy, and therefore victory.  It is God who writes the music if we will just look to Him to learn how to play our song.

So here’s the info:

Here’s the message I am currently working on for American freedom:

Here’s the class I currently want to take.  Cost is $200

I am going to a Kirk Duncan seminar in February and still need to earn gas money.

Here is a clip from my very first seminar I have on 10-22-11: Personal Victory

… In process.  When I figure out how to do this, I’ll update this letter with the new info.

It is not my intent to focus on money or push people to ask for donations.  I really don’t care about the money except for the means of freedom from what we can do with it.  If you feel like you are part of that answer, please email me at

God Bless You.        

 In God We Trust!

Your Servant and Friend,

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I love to hear your ideas and thoughts. Thanks for sharing in the Joy of Learning. It truly fills my heart! -Pennie