Planting a Seed... Building Character... Growing the roots that can rebuild a Nation

Thursday, October 27, 2011

10-23-11 Temper Tantrums


Teren had more than three temper tantrums today.  The first one this morning was over a shirt she wanted to borrow from Saria.  I required her to “ask nicely” before she could have it, and when she did Saria graciously gave it to her.  The second one was over the strings on her dress that she didn’t want tied.  I told her I was going to tie them or cut them off.  She let me tie them so we could drive to church but she started up again after we were on our way into the building.  That’s when I went and got scissors from the library.  When attempted to cut them off she freaked out and said she would stop, but she said couldn’t make herself.  Somewhere about the time the meeting was starting we where in the foyer and Josh came out to help.  I think he gave her candy to make her stop. (I asked him about this later and he said he didn’t give her anything.)  Tonight at bath-time the temper tantrum was about a towel.  Teren has been putting her towel on herself and getting in her pajamas by herself just fine.  She even learned how to wipe herself recently after going #2.  We have had a goal for the kids to help each other so we could get ready for the new baby.  So as Teren wanted to get out I told Allie to help her with the towel and Teren refused to allow Allie to help her.  That started her on an hour long tantrum of “Daddy wake up and put the towel on me now!”  Somehow I didn’t loose it today.  I warned her that if she didn’t stop I would have to spank her.  It did begin to subside after that.  Then she asked ‘please’ for me to help her with the towel.  I required her  to “ask nicely” as best she could so that I could help her.  I told her that screaming and tantrums is not how we get our way.  After she asked nicely I held her for a minute and told her I didn’t like to see her so sad.  I hope I helped her understand the behavior that is expected.  She went to bed exhausted about 8pm (bed time is usually at 7pm). 

I am trying to figure out why she and I get into these power struggles.  Part of it is the voice of my Mom in the back of my mind that says once she starts the temper tantrum that I can’t give in or it will show her that that’s how she can get her way.  I think Josh’s rescue is feeding it, but I can’t control his behavior.  (I learned later this is my paranoia and not a reality.)  Somehow she gets in her mind that she wants something and, like a Pit-bull, won’t let go.  She will get focused on the problem and go from one thing to the next of something that she can’t have.  I think she’s just trying to push me to see if I’ll give in. (The fence analogy.)  I keep praying for answers to know what to do, but something says that not doing anything may be the best remedy.  Tonight may have been the best I have ever handled it before.  I didn’t get angry, and I kept my voice even and calm telling her what behavior I expected.  I did raise my voice a little when I warned her of getting spanked and if she would have continued out of control, as her Mother, I think that would have been necessary for her. 

Ironically today our lesson in Relief Society was about Elder Christofferson’s talk on Chastening.  The Spirit played a great symphony along with the melody of the teacher and the other Sisters comments.  I was learned about parenting.  It was more questions that I need to ponder more than anything.  I need to study my notes and search out the answers in the scriptures and Conference talks.  I really wish I could go to some self-help book and have someone else tell me what to do… but I know it wouldn’t be the right answer for me.  I have never really ever heard anyone describe this happening in their children so I don’t know if all tantrums even have the same psychology behind them.  The default program in my head keeps looking for some pattern in it, to see if I can explain it.  Hah!  That’s a good one.  I think I just need to start reading D&C 121 every day to see if the Spirit can unlock some mysteries for me.  Elder Scott says that as we ponder on the scriptures we get revelation… maybe that’s my answer. 

Hilary Weeks- More like a Whisper

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Keeping it Real

In honor of my real friend Annie who so often reminds me to keep it real, I'd like to tell you all what I just did!  Embarassing moments are best when shared, right?

I wrote an artile Sunday night for the paper & emailed it to a friend for feedback.  She gave me great editoral suggestions and I revised it Monday morning.  Then I promptly sent it off to the paper.  Done, right?

Well I went to go pull it up to post it here on the blog, and wouldn't you know it?  I sent the paper the original draft!  It had funny notes to self and everything!  LOL   What's worse it that I also sent it to another magazine for submission!

Yea for (pregnant or not pregnant) air-heads like me that keep the world wondering, "Huh?"

Seminar Flyer

Dear Friends,

I am excited to invite you to a free seminar we will be having this month on OCTOBER 22, 2011 at the Overton Library from 2-4pm. (Flyer attached with more details.)  This is my personal cause to freedom and my best answer of what I believe I can do to perpetuate (or retain in our case) a free nation.

Freedom begins with personal victory, family togetherness, and then results in public peace.  If we want our country to be different, we have to change from the inside out to be different and rise to a new level of thinking.

Self, Family, Community... Change starts with me!

Invite your friends or family who you think may benefit from a message of personal freedom.

In God we Trust,

Pennie Rumsey

                                “The Garden School

is pleased to present:

Breaking Free!

                      A journey to personal freedom

October 22nd 2011

at the Overton Library  from 2-4pm

Pennie Rumsey will be sharing ideas to help you achieve your personal victory and become a more valuable asset to the world by living your mission.  She is the Mother of 4 children and is a student of life.  Everyone 13 & up (according to ability to focus and listen) is welcome to attend.  We will be learning through discussion, hands-on workshop exercises, and reflective writing. Please join us. 

There will be no charge for this seminar as a gift to the community.

This seminar is for YOU

Ø      If you struggle with self-esteem

Ø      If you feel trapped by life’s circumstances

Ø      If you have ever wanted to do something great but never believed you could

Ø      If you want to move forward with your life and find the direction you need

At the seminar we will be planting three ideas of thought:

1-      How to examine and learn from our lives in a cause and effect way

2-      How to weed out and overcome self-doubts that make us feel broken & worthless

3-      Vision & Mission: Your personal purpose in life and the way to happiness.

Discover your next step in how to focus on the solution.

“Many people in this day and age are singing “a song of truth, or playing it on their own instruments with their individually unique resonance.  As we each rise to play our part, may we sing or play a stereophonic symphony that will act as the leaven to raise the whole of society.”  Pennie Rumsey